via the following link (not available at the moment)

>> Download below the info-skier <<

Skiers Info  2025





CÉGEP de l’Outaouais, 333 Cité-des-Jeunes blvd., Gatineau, QC (parkings # 4/5/6/7/7A), on Cité-des-Jeunes blvd. (Park side). Please respect the signage and rules or there might be parking tickets or towing at your return. Spaces are limited, so please consider carpooling!



! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All  participants are responsible to pick-up their kits prior to their race day. Don’t wait until the last minute!

NOTE: a participant can pick up kits for other participants with the proper information (name and inscription number).  Once a race kit is picked up, it is final.  No duplicates will be created.

Kit distribution will take place in MONT-BLEU Secondary School, 389 Blvd de la Cité-des-Jeunes, Gatineau, QC.

>> Download below the Mont-Bleu Highschool interior plan <<

Plans Mont-Bleu EN


All indoor and outdoor activities take place at MONT-BLEU Secondary School, 389 Blvd de la Cité-des-Jeunes, Gatineau, QC.

The start of the 50 km races will be from Stationnement P17 in the La Pêche sector, and all skiers must use the bus service to get there.

50 KM  ► WAVE A |  9 : 00 a.m,
► WAVE B |  9 : 02 a.m.
► WAVE C |  9 : 04 a.m.
► WAVE D |  9 : 06 a.m.
9 : 10 a.m. to 9 : 15 a.m.
27 KM ► WAVE A |  9 : 00 a.m.
► WAVE B |  9 : 02 a.m.
► WAVE C |  9 : 04 a.m.
9 : 10 a.m. to 9 : 15 a.m.
15 KM    WAVE A & B
1 : 00 p.m.
1 : 05 p.m. to 1 : 10 p.m.
5 KM   WAVE A & B
 1 : 30 p.m.
1: 35 p.m. to 1 : 40 p.m.
50 KM  ► WAVE A |  9 : 00 a.m.
► WAVE B |  9 : 02 a.m.
► WAVE C |  9 : 04 a.m.
► WAVE D |  9 : 06 a.m.
9 : 10 a.m to 9 : 15 a.m
27 KM ► WAVE A |  9 : 00 a.m.
► WAVE B |  9 : 02 a.m.
► WAVE C |  9 : 04 a.m.
9 : 10 a.m. to 9 : 15 a.m.
10KM    WAVE A & B
1 : 00 p.m.
1 : 05 p.m. to 1 : 10 p.m.
2 KM  (MINI) 12 : 00 p.m.  —


The Gatineau Loppet is governed by the Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) International Competition Rules (ICR) and by Nordiq Canada Canadian Competition Rules (CCR). Among other things, rule 310.2.1 The jury may ban or enforce the use of specific techniques on marked sections of the course”, will be enforced. Also, particular attention will be paid to the compliance to ICR rules from section 310.2.2 “Classical Technique” and ICR rules ICR) 343.8.1 et 343.12.1 regarding pole length in classical technique competitions. All infractions will be reported to the jury.

► Reminder: Classical technique includes the diagonal stride technique, double poling with or without a diagonal kick, herringbone without a gliding phase and turning techniques. Participants assigned to wave A for both 50 km events will be positioned in chevrons at the start according to CPL points. Participants with no 2022/2023 CPL season points will be seeded according to recent results for similar long-distance events.

It is MANDATORY to attach your chip to your leg with the Velcro band. it must be fastened to the ankle with the Velcro strap. No chip=no time. Please, return your chip at the finish line. Otherwise, a 75$ fee will be applied.

It is MANDATORY to wear the bib at all time. The absence or incorrect location of a bib will automatically disqualify the skier because of the impossibility of maintaining control along the course. You have to wear your bib to access the start area.

The colour of your bib corresponds to the colour of the signs along your course. Remember to follow your colour all along the way.


BUS BOARDING: Please note that all skiers taking part in the 50 km races must go to the École secondaire Mont-Bleu (high school) on the Saturday and  Sunday morning and be ready to board the bus at the times shown below. Skiers are to take the bus identified for their wave (A-B-C-D) in front of the  school. The trip takes at least 30 minutes.


A wave 

B wave 

C wave 

D & discovery waves

7:30 AM 

7:35 AM 

7:45 AM 

7:50 AM

START: All starts are in waves. A warm-up track is available. 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The 50 km course is on undulating trails from the start to the 25th km. From the 25th to the 32nd km, the course is slightly more  technical. At km 28, there is a steep downhill section followed by a sharp turn to the left so be careful. Also close to km 30, there is a second abrupt downhill. The last part of the course is less challenging.

A limited number of poles will be provided at certain feeding stations ((Start, Lac Philippe, Herridge, O’Brien, Keogan and Notch)) for skiers who break theirs. Poles will need to be returned at the finish line.

Download the Sportstats mobile app for all your live results!     


In accordance with the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) and Nordiq Canada (NC) rules, the Gatineau Loppet is now a fluoro free event. As such, the usage of fluorinated glide and kick waxes is completely banned. These new rules are in line with the Gatineau Loppet’s values and guidelines regarding the protection of our environment and the health and safety risks associated with the use of fluorinated products. 

It is prohibited to wax skis INSIDE the École secondaire Mont-Bleu (high school). The main SWIX waxing area is located  outside the École secondaire Mont-Bleu (high school) towards the start area. Please note that it is necessary to wax your skis before leaving for Wakefield  (P17) as there is no electricity at P17. There will be, however, a place at Wakefield (P17) to touch up your wax before you start. Ski conditions are posted  on the giant screen in the Ski Show area.

► It is important to wax your skis before arriving at the event site.

► Waxing tips will be posted on social media and on this website the day before the race.

► Outdoor waxing areas available.

► The local shop, Greg Christies Ski Vélo situated at 148 Chemin Old Chelsea, Chelsea, QC J9B 1J3 is offering waxing services for the participants of the Gatineau Loppet.  The participants can drop off their skis at their shop the week of the Gatineau Loppet – or – drop them off at their kiosk in the Ski Expo on or after 5:00p.m. on Friday the 14th of February.  The waxed skis will be returned to the kiosk the next morning to be picked up by the participants.  Note, that you must pay for this service and a pre-registration is required. Contact them at (819) 827-5340 for more information.

► Since 2023, in an effort to offer an eco-responsible event, the Gatineau Loppet no longer distributes plastic bags for skiers’ personal effects left at the start lines of the 15, 27 and 50 km races. Personal bags such as backpacks or bags with resealable straps are now mandatory. The maximum volume accepted will be 50 liters or the equivalent of an airplane “carry on” baggage.

Procedure: Procedure: A yellow tag with your bib number will be given to you when you pick up your ski kit. Please affix this label in plain sight to one of the straps of your backpack. The bags can be left directly at the skier’s bas trailer located near the finish area or at in start area where they will be collected by our team of volunteers. You can collect your bags at any time from the “skiers’ bag trailer” located near the finish area.. It is strictly forbidden to leave your equipment bags on the premises of the Relais plein air. Bags that will be left at the Relais plein air will be brought to the skier’s trailer. We also ask that you do not leave clothing and/or other items in the departure area. Objects left in the departure area will be collected and stored at the skier’s bags trailer.


► All starts are by wave.

► A warm-up track is available at each start area. 


► First aid service is provided by professionals from the company .Groupe Instant Santé. If necessary, the evacuation of skiers is provided on all courses, including from remote areas. In case of emergency CALL: 819-576-8408


► Energy drinks and bars XACT available on the course. (see course maps for precise locations).

► Selection of snacks available on site.


► At the departure areas, at the Herridge refuge (21st km), at the P11 parking lot (31st km), at the Keogan refuge (35th km), at the bottom of the Domaine Mackenzie-King parking lot (41st Km), at the intersection of the Promenade Gatineau and Promenade Champlain (43rd km), at the Notch aid station (44th km) and inside Mont-Bleu high school.


► WorldLoppet passport holders are encouraged to create or update their MyLoppet profile on the Worldloppet website, which will confirm their participation in this year’s event.

► Available for $57 (taxes included, plus transaction fees). WorldLoppet passport holders are welcome to the WorldLoppet lounge and are invited to the WL cocktail at 4 :30p.m. on Saturday at the agora of the École secondaire Mont-Bleu (high school) follow the signs.


► For skiers in the 5, 10, 15, 27 and 50 km events, show your bib in the cafeteria to receive a meal. For participants with Lycra bibs, a coupon will be attached to the envelope containing your race kit. This meal is served from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. It is also possible for non-participants to purchase meals (cash only).


► Skiers must be on hand to receive their monetary prizes and/or awards. Monetary prizes will be handed out in the Ski Expo once the official results are compiled around 1:30 p.m.). Medals must be picked up during the weekend. Results will be posted in the Ski Expo area and online ( and on the Sportstats Android and IOS app.


► Skiers who have taken part in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 races since the beginning of the Loppet event will receive a pin corresponding to the number of times they participated. Pins will be available at the Ski Expo at the medals table. You must have completed at least one race in 2025 to get a pin.


► The Gatineau Loppet is committed to be an eco-responsible event. Thank you for helping us reach our objectives by recycling, composting, and reducing waste. During the race, all waste will be sorted by the Enviro Educ-Action group. Please leave your waste at the feed stations to keep the park clean. The waste collected at the refreshment points will also be sorted in order to reduce our environmental footprint.


► All individuals are entitled to a safe and inclusive environment, free from any abuse or exploitation. If you are experiencing, or suspect someone else is experiencing, abuse, discrimination, violence, or any other form of mistreatment or exploitation, please contact the Canadian Sport Helpline or the designated Gatineau Loppet official at the competition venue. This individual can refer you to support and assist you in filing a complaint. In case of emergency, call 911.